Top 5 (Plus 1) Recommended Places to Visit During the Holidays

The holidays are a great time to travel. That being said, depending on where you go, you will more than likely have to deal with crowds and jacked up prices for just about everything. For me, the biggest issue with holiday travel is not just the prices, but also the weather (I despise the cold). However, with proper planning and a solid budget plan, you can have a fantastic stress-free vacation. 

Here are some of my favorite spots for holiday travel in no particular order:


Okay, so maybe Sin City is not the most traditional place for a holiday vacation. But hey, not all of us are traditional! Do some shopping, catch a show, eat at a restaurant by a world class chef, go to a club, and literally do anything else. In fact, if you are visiting before Christmas, you can probably score some great deals in one of the many shops!

Although it does get cold in the desert at night, you'll probably be spending most of your time indoors enjoying the casinos. Be mindful of expensive weekend rates at the hotels, particularly if you plan on staying on the Strip (highly recommended). Check out posts HERE, HERE, and HERE to get some ideas on what to do!


Asheville is possibly one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Go see Biltmore and spend an entire day strolling the grounds. Hit up a scenic drive and enjoy the natural beauty. I went a few weeks before Thanksgiving and while it was cold, it was manageable. Do be sure to pack weather appropriate attire and comfortable shoes.


Although the (arguably) more famous Disney World is in Orlando as well, I would highly recommend going to Universal Studios. Florida tends to have mild winters and although it can get chilly earlier in the day, it'll start heating up towards the afternoon. With the new Gringotts Bank at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and plenty more to keep you occupied, you are guaranteed to have a blast. However, do keep in mind that late December to New Year (when we went) is peak season, so expect crowds.


I can ramble on about Utah and how beautiful it is. Get me talking about Zion...well, good luck trying to stop me! Even if you get the chance to just pass through, do it! Zion has a lot to offer for everyone! It is a manageable roadtrip from Salt Lake City, Utah, Sedona, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Check out my posts HERE and HERE to give you some ideas/inspiration to go!

If you want to do more and see more, I'd recommend taking the roughly two hour roadtrip to Bryce Canyon National Park, which is absolutely stunning, albeit way more remote than Zion. Remember that you will be at a high altitude, so expect cold weather and pack accordingly for both national parks (more so for Bryce because it is higher up than Zion and it will snow there). Just make sure to keep a careful watch on the weather.


I wanted to have at least one international location. Cozumel is on the Caribbean side of Mexico (east coast). The Caribbean experiences mild weather during the winter months, however,  be prepared for some rain. I went to Cozumel via cruise, however, there are plenty of travelers who go to hotels/resorts for extended stays. If you choose to go to Cozumel, I would highly recommend checking out Isla de la Pasion for a private getaway experience.  


Okay, so I know I love to ramble about my love of roadtrips. However, with proper planning, you can really get a bang for your buck and see some incredible places! If you are planning a roadtrip in America, go HERE for some tips to start you out. I would highly recommend roadtripping around the South, as the weather is mild, the people are friendly, and the prices for things generally won't break the band.

Where do you like to go for the holidays?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
