A Hidden Paradise in Cozumel, Mexico

There really is nothing like a beach paradise, which is exactely what we found in Cozumel, Mexico, which was the last stop on our cruise. We opted for a beach excursion to a small private island called Isla de la Pasion, which was absolutely perfect in every way. The excursion group was the only group of people on the island, which meant that the beach we were on had a total of only fifty people on it. 

The palm trees growing right on the beach, the crystal clear waters, blue sky made for the perfect paradise. To be honest, despite being born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I've never been a beach person, that is, until I came here. Truly, this place would make the most stressed out person feel like they've escaped to a beach heaven. It felt so nice to just relax for the four hours we were on the beach and do nothing but chill out, swim, and snorkel. 

After having such a great experience here, I fully plan on returning to Cozumel again. For those of you going on a Caribbean cruise, I would highly recommend this excursion, especially if you are looking for some serious R&R. Cozumel really does live up to its reputation as a summer getaway, so you really can't go wrong here. However, be sure to bring a LOT of sunscreen, some sunglasses, and a hat! Trust me, you'll need it! 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner 
