5 Things I Love about NOLA

1) The people
In my opinion, the people literally and figuratively make the place. In NOLA, you will not only experience legendary Southern hospitality at its finest, but also find yourself engaging in meaningful conversations with the locals. My sister and I dropped into a bookstore in the French Quarter and at checkout, the lady at the counter told me how she fell in love with Isaak Dineson (I had bought an old copy of Out of Africa) as a little girl. 

2) The culture 
Unlike the rest of America, which was had been a British colony, Louisiana had been a French one. As a result, you'll see French influence everywhere. In fact, the state is broken up into parishes as opposed to counties and it's not unusual to see French translations on signage. The French Quarter provides an architectural history of the city and gives you insight into the NOLA of the past. Venture out of the tourist zone though to see the NOLA of today.

3) The food
Sno cones, beignets, and gumbo galore. There are chefs all around town who pay homage to the classics and many others who are taking old favorites and making something new and special. The great part is that NOLA has a wide variety of restaurants that cater to all types of budgets.  I also love that it's so easy to wander into a local restaurant as opposed to a large chain.

4) The atmosphere
NOLA is interesting because the ambiance changes from neighborhood to neighborhood and even street to street. We felt perfectly safe walking around the French Quarter, where we spent an entire day sightseeing; and the Warehouse District, where we stayed. Definitely walk around and take in the architecture and people.

5) The fun 
Ask any of my friends and you'll be told that I'm the last person to hang out in a bar (I don't drink)....I know, lame. However, the beauty of NOLA is that if this is indeed your scene, you're spoiled for choice, whether its local watering holes or fan favorites on the infamous Bourbon Street. First off, have fun but be safe. If you're with family, then NOLA has plenty of fun attractions courtesy of the Audobon Society (think zoo, insectarium, and aquarium) as well as the River Walk.

What's your favorite thing about NOLA?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
