Practicing Magic at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Yes, Pottermore put me in Hufflepuff. And yes, I am proud!
**I visited before they opened Gringotts, so I won't include those experiences because I have yet to enjoy them!

1) Eat at the Three Broomsticks
Sure, it's overpriced, but their breakfast is satisfactory and will get you started for the day! I would recommend ordering a Pumpkin Juice, in fact, my sister and I liked it better than the Butterbeer.

2) Get a wand at Ollivanders
Okay, so again, they are overpriced (notice the trend here) but if you are a Potterhead like me, it's worth it! They have a small experience/show where an actor does a demonstration, it's really fun and I would recommend it. 

3) The Castle!! 
This was probably my most favorite ride during our visit. They do a good job of making you believe that dementors are coming right at you! 

4) Flight of the Hippogriff 
This ride is not all that terrifying, but it's still fun and you get to see Hagrid's cabin, which makes the ride worth it in and of itself.

5) Buy some treats at Honeydukes!
Grab a Chocolate Frog and start your card collection (I got Godric Gryffindor). Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans is another essential of course. 

6) Get a sugar high on Butterbeer
 I know by now everyone is feeling underwhelmed with the Butterbeer, especially because it is so incredibly sweet. However, if you still want the experience, I would recommend sharing a cup of it (I was there with my sister and dad, so this wasn't an issue). 

7) Take as many pictures and selfies as possible!
Believe me, you're going to want to relieve the memories. However, make sure that you are living and enjoying the moment as much as capturing it!

There are so many things to do in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, these are just some places to get started. I would recommend going with the flow and prioritizing having a blast! 

Best Wishes, 
