Book Review: All the Way by Andy Behrens

STARS: 3.8/5
GENRE: Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
AUTHOR: Andy Behrens

Wow, it has almost been two months since my last book review that I did on Fight Club. I've read several other books between then and now but I thought that I would shake things up on the blog with this cute and fun contemporary YA.

SUMMARY (NO SPOILERS): Ian is a nice boy who just can't seem to get out of the friend zone, which is really frustrating for a boy whose best friend (in this case named Lance) is a total lady's man. Deciding to carpe diem the heck out his lame summer, where the only thing of note he did was serve up Dunkin' Doughnuts, Ian decides to make a 935 mile journey across six states to "meet" a hot girl he met online that doesn't see him as a friend (if you know what I mean) in Charleston, South Carolina. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for Ian, his best friends, Felicity and Lance, decide to also hop into his Oldsmobile. What follows is a hilarious journey filled with hormones and unnecessary detours that will take the reader for one crazy ride.

RATING: Although I did enjoy the book and managed to read it rather quickly, I did find it a bit slow towards the end with a rather underwhelming ending. I didn't want to give it anything below a 3.5, but it didn't wow me enough to warrant a 4 star rating. However, this book is a fantastic summer/beach read. It definitely has that 'feel good' vibe to it and is a great addition to all the coming of age books in YA. What really sold me on this book was the humor. If a story can make me laugh out loud, I'm sold.

MY THOUGHTS: I remember being really excited about this book due to the road trip aspect. If you've been reading my blog, you'll probably know that I am a huge advocate of road trips (Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C). I truly believe that taking a road trip is the best way to experience America and to gain confidence as a traveler and as an individual. On another note, I found the main character, Ian, to be a little ridiculous at times. But then again, what teenage boy isn't a little ridiculous? However, I did find him to be a great protagonist in a contemporary YA, as he (and his friends) were relate able and I found myself wishing that I could hop into Ian's Oldsmobile with them. Interestingly, between the characters, their crazy experiences whilst on the road, and, of course, the road trip, this book is a lot like John Green's An Abundance of Katherines.

FOR THE ENGLISH MAJOR: Other than the travel aspect, road trips are a great metaphor for growing up. Think about it, life is often been akin to a journey, so comparing growing up to a road trip isn't all that far fetched. Ian starts out as a hormone crazed teenage boy who is willing to (and does) take a 935 mile journey for sex with a stranger. You'll of course have to read the book to see where his journey ends (and begins up again).

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner 


Book Review: Fight Club
