Top 5 Favorite Outlook Points

One thing I am always sure to add to my itineraries are good outlook points. There are obvious ones of course, such as Skydeck Chicago for (yes you guessed it) downtown Chicago. However, for this installment of Top 5, I tried to point out some different places for getting your Insta worthy shot of a city. 

1) Panama City, Panama - Cinta Costera
Most guidebooks will tell you to hitch a ride to Cerro Ancón, which does have lovely view but can be slightly tricky to get to. While I still recommend you go there, do check out the view from Cinta Costera (more information HERE). Cinta Costera itself is beautiful and well kept and the view of downtown is gorgeous, particularly around sunset. 


2) Chicago, Illinois - Architecture Tour
As stated above, Skydeck Chicago is the premier spot for a great view of the city. I would also include Chicago 360, which in my opinion is even better than Skydeck. However, for a truly enjoyable experience, I would strongly recommend that you sign up for the Architecture Tour, where you will get an outstanding perspective and education of the skyline, which will help you to appreciate it (read more HERE).

3) Las Vegas, Nevada - The High Roller
Okay, so I confess that the High Roller is low hanging fruit. However, I will say that after visiting Sin City on multiple occasions over the course of my life, this is the best spot for the best view in town. It is a bit pricey but worth it (read more HERE).

4) St. Louis, Missouri - The Gateway Arch
Alright fine, more low hanging fruit, but how can I not discuss the Gateway Arch when discussing St. Louis? To be fair, the Gateway Arch is the skyline and the downside of looking at the St. Louis skyline whilst on its top is that it won't be in the picture. However, you will still get a great view of the city and the Mississippi River sans arch (read more HERE).

5) Los Angeles, California - The Getty Center
The Getty Center warrants a visit just for being what it is: beautiful. However, it also offers a truly unique vantage point of the city. Of course, I am a sucker for greenery, but it's extra special when the City of Angels is involved.

What are some of your favorite outlook points throughout the world?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
