Review of Cañonita at The Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada

Although I am one of those people who absolutely loves to make an itinerary of my trip so as to ensure that I see everything in whatever time period, perhaps the most enjoyable part of travel is just letting loose and finding things on my own. Cañonita in The Venetian was one of these finds. We were actually heading to the Denny's for breakfast near the casino, so we ended up parking in The Venetian. However, after parking and realizing that The Denny's was a bit of a walk, we decided to just walk into one of the several restaurants in The Grand Canal Shoppes. Seeing as Cañonita was right there and we were starving, we opted to have breakfast here. Spoiler alert: it was awesome!

Please pardon the lack of make-up, we literally hit the road towards Utah after our meal.

Huevos Rancheros. Not the best picture in the world, but I was too starved to get out my camera (le sigh).

You could probably trick yourself into thinking that you are outside in a street cafe in Venice!
We all ordered coffee (can't live without the stuff) and the Huevos Rancheros (pictured above). The dish was basically blacks beans, cilantro rice, corn quesadillas, and scrambled eggs topped with two different types of salsas. Sounds a little strange but omg guys, was the food good! I was particularly taken with the red salsa, it was a little sweet, but its flavor worked perfectly with the eggs, rice, and beans. Even if you aren't in Vegas, I'd highly recommend that you guys just try this dish if you get the chance.

The atmosphere was extremely pleasant and I liked the simple and modern decor. Sometimes I find this modern style to be boring, but little additions like the orange umbrellas and even the lanterns added some nice levels of interest. I did find it strange to see a Mexican place in an Italian themed casino, but hey, it's Vegas baby! Why ever not? I found the service to be extremely friendly and helpful and our food came out in record time. Overall, I'd definitely recommend this place to those of you who are visiting The Strip!


Las Vegas, Nevada Photodiary 
Review of Gordon Ramsay Pub and Grill at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada
Review of Le Cafe Ile St. Louis at Paris in Las Vegas, Nevada 
Review of Wolfgang Puck's Spago at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada
