Top 5 Personal Favorite Beaches

As a Cali girl... I HATED the beach growing up. I know this is a rather controversial statement, but just hear me out. I remember the beaches being overcrowded, dirty, and chaotic. Moreover, I used to go to the beach at least once a week, heck, there were a good three years when I went to school right across from a beach! As such, whenever my family went on vacation, we avoided beaches and opted for national parks and other cities.

However, after moving away from California and having some time to reflect upon my California beach experiences (specifically my Los Angeles beach experiences), I realized that I was being unfair to beaches. As such, I have made an effort over these last few years to really visit good beaches and see why the rest of the world is obsessed with them. So, with no further ado, here are my favorite beaches thus far in no particular order.

1) Isla de la Pasion, Mexico 

You could say that this is the beach that started it all. Isla de la Pasion was so picturesque, peaceful, and beautiful, that it pretty much set the standard for what I expect out of a good beach. It is about a 30 minute boat ride from Cozumel's port. I have written an entire blog post HERE about it if you want to know more about this little gem.

2) Goa, India 

I enjoyed this beach so much that  I can remember walking along the tide pool and swimming in the Indian Ocean. The exact name escapes me, but if you find yourself in Goa, I'd highly recommend finding a hotel/resort that has a private beach to avoid crowds. That being said, if the beach that I visited is anything like the rest in Goa, you can be sure to find some incredible sea shells!

3) Isla Aguja, Panama 

My recent trip to Panama came with the experience of a lifetime visiting the country's famous archipelago called San Blas. San Blas consists of over 300 beautiful islands, a few of which are open to tourists. We had the privilege of visiting two islands, one of which is called Isla Aguja. I fell in love with the calm waters, perfect weather, and stunning palm trees.

4) Lake Tahoe, Nevada

This is the only lake beach featured, but if you haven't seen Lake Tahoe yet, what are you waiting for?! You are surrounded by beautiful forestry and an equally beautiful lake. The waters are calm and perfect for kayaking and swimming. I would highly recommend Lake Tahoe for families since there are a lot of fun activities for kiddos of all ages.

5) Orange Beach, Alabama

Alabamian beaches are overshadowed by the more famous Floridian beaches next door, and the fact that Alabama isn't a famous tourist spot. However, don't let this stop you from visiting, even though the Alabama-Florida state line is literally five minutes away from Orange Beach. If you want to try something new and more family oriented, then I would highly recommend Orange Beach (see full blog post HERE). The white sand and calm blue waters truly make for an excellent and laid back vacation. Unfortunately, it was really overcast when I visited in March. However, during the summer months, the water can be crystal clear.

What are your favorite beaches in the world? 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
