Beaches Be Wavin' : My Getaway to Orange Beach, Alabama

I am not a hard core party gal by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, my idea of a party is watching Star Trek on Netflix with some take out (crazy, I know). However, seeing as this was going to be my senior year of college, my friends and I figured that we should get some Spring Break experience. That being said, we wound up spending about 95% of our time on the beach and the other 5% eating, so yeah, we went pretty nuts. 

But seriously, there's nothing like a well earned vacation, we were all ready to just get away from it all for a few days and Orange Beach was just perfect. To be honest, I'm really not a huge beach kinda person, despite being from California and all. However, I think I'm starting to really like it as I really would like to do something similar again.

We chose Orange Beach because we really didn't want to deal with the crowds at Panama City Beach, Florida or other stereotypical Spring Break towns. Funnily enough, the state line between Alabama and Florida was less than five minutes away from out hotel. We opted to go for a beach front property, which I would highly recommend, because we didn't want to deal with parking and crowds on the public beach. Unfortunately, the skies were overcast for pretty much the whole trip, with the sun peeking out only a few times. This dampened my mood just a little bit because I really wanted to have the sun out, but I still enjoyed myself.

Food options in Orange Beach are primarily sea food (for obvious reasons) so if you have specific dietary needs, I'd suggest that you make the necessary preparations. There are chain restaurants, however most of the popular places are locally owned. Overall, if you need a nice little getaway spot, I'd highly recommend Orange Beach.

Best Wishes,
The Pseudo Southerner 
