Traveling as an Experience

Ever since I've begun traveling more these last four years, I've noticed that the number one thing that stresses me out is wanting to check all the "must-dos" off of the to-do list. I mean, when you're in Memphis, the Stax Museum is a must and when you're in New Orleans, the French Quarter is a must. Don't me wrong, I love being a tourist and checking out these places; even if they are touristsy and sometimes overhyped, there's a reason why they were popular in the first place. 

That being said, with my upcoming trip to Europe, I don't want my entire stay to be running from one must see location to another; I actually want to enjoy myself. We're going to be in at least three cities (Venice, Paris, and London) that each have multiple tourist locations. However, in order for me to actually enjoy the cities, I really want to make a list of MY must-dos and not be bothered if I can't go on top of the Eiffel tour or splurge on a gondola ride. Sure, these experiences are wonderful, but I don't want to waste money doing them just because I feel I have to.  

I think this is a good rule of thumb while traveling. Remember, it's your time and money. If something just isn't interesting you and you're only doing it to check it off of a list, then reconsider.

Have you ever been stressed with "having" to go touristy spots?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
