Travel Plans and Updates

Oh man, I feel as though I've been stuck in the Deep South a little TOO long. However, I'm pleased to say that I have some exciting travel plans over the next few months. I'll be headed to Portland, Oregon for the first time next week and in May my sister and I will be traveling to Europe. The latter is giving me some anxiety because of the controversy surrounding Americans needing visas. Sigh. Hopefully we'll be fine. I plan on registering our trip with the State Department and getting all of our papers in order by the end of the month.

On a life updates, I successfully defended my portfolio for my masters degree (equivalent of a thesis). I had to code my portfolio website and do a lot of writing for my topic. It was a lot of work and slightly stressful, but I'm grateful that I signed up for an early slot because now I don't have to worry about it! Graduation is in May, so only about two months before I'm done!

What's up with you guys?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
