Travel Moment: Falling in Love with Palm Trees Again in Panama

I may have mentioned that I actually used to dislike visiting the beach growing up, which is odd, considering that I was born and raised in California. In fact, palm trees were a normal site for me on a daily basis; I grew up around them. As such, I never even considered the fact that they are a novelty to some people who didn't grow up near the beach. 

When I moved to the South, the palm trees were replaced with magnolia trees and I reveled in the fact that I wouldn't have to take another walk on the beach again (silly me). But lo and behold, my first Caribbean cruise changed all of that. I finally "got it" and now I can't wait to head to a wonderful beach in a new country.

I have to say though, I didn't give palm trees a second thought until I visited San Blas in Panama. It must've been the fact that the intimate little islets gave the pretty palm trees an opportunity to shine and really show their stripes. The moral of this is to never take anything for granted, whether it be growing up surrounded by palm trees or just any simple pleasure you have. Perhaps that's one of the best parts of travel: it makes you grateful.

If you've read this blog post this far, then I commend you for being a fellow palm tree lover. If not, that's okay too (at least you got to admire the pretty pictures :D). 

What has travel made you grateful for? 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
