Finding Paradise at San Blas

I think this is one of those times where I should let the pictures can speak for themselves (each is after all worth a thousand words). However, I can't help but tell you just how incredible San Blas was (I spoke about it a little in my Top 5 Personal Favorite Beaches post HERE).

San Blas consists of over 300 islands, a small portion of which are open to tourists. You can only access the islands via boat after a roughly three hour drive to the port from Panama City. We visited two islands named Isla Aguja and Isla Perro along with a natural pool. The natural pool was amazing because it was essentially a portion of the sea that was elevated enough to be covered with just four feet of water. It definitely beat any infinity pool with its calm turquoise waters!

There were palm trees everywhere on both islands and stunning blue water as far as the eye could see. I honestly felt as though I could stay there forever. Unfortunately, I only had one day to see San Blas. A lot of people do opt to extend their stays for a minimum of 2-3 days in order to maximize their island hopping or just overall experience. That being said, if you are strapped for time, it is possible to see San Blas in one day and go away with lifelong memories. 

What are your favorite islands from around the world? 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
