Mirador Beach in Cozumel, Mexico

You can hear me rant about Caribbean beach like this Panamanian one HERE. And for good reason, because they're beautiful.

This particular one is called Mirador beach in Cozumel, Mexico. What impressed me the most about it is that our tour guide said that this beach and the ones nearby are really popular with locals, which means you won't have fight any crowds here; even though it was afternoon when we visited, the beach was was not crowded at all.

Perhaps the best (or scariest) part was the tidepool that you could climb up for some great photo ops. The beach also had a few restaurants and stores so it's the perfect place to spend an afternoon if you're staying in Cozumel or are just there for the day with your cruise.

What's your favorite Carribbean beach?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
