Top 5 Tips for Taking Travel Pictures: The Amateur Edition

I remember hating having pictures taken of myself growing up. This was an issue because whenever we travelled, I refused to smile for the camera, much to my parents' chagrin. However, times have changed and I am now one of "those people" who is snapping away pictures (selfies included) of wherever I go. 

I am of course no expert (far from it actually), but here are some of my tips for capturing your favorite travel moments. Hopefully this will help those of you who are also dipping your toes in travel photography.

This is actually one of my favorite pictures from my trip to Panama. It is obviously not perfect, but I think this trip is where I learned to pose properly for the camera and to capture my favorite travel moments. 

Here are my Top 5 Amateur Photography Tips in no particular order:

1) Experiment with different poses. Try to figure out what your angles are. Hit up the magazines and the blogosphere to get some inspiration for this, it certainly helped me to see what worked for others and to adjust for myself accordingly.

2) Wear clothes that make you feel good and confident. This will translate into your picture!

3) Take as many pictures as you need in order to get "the one." This also includes taking the picture from different angles and playing around with the settings of your camera.

4) Play around with lighting. I usually prefer the sun to be in front of me and I like the time of day to either be during the afternoon when it is the brightest outside. I don't actually like using flash, as I personally find natural lighting to yield the best pictures.

5) Find the best outlook points and/or most photogenic spots in the place you are. My favorite thing to do is to hit up Instagram, where, thanks to geotagging, you can check out pictures that others took of the same location. 

What are your travel photography tips? 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner 
