Panama Photodiary

Cinta Costera

The Hiking trail to the Chagres River

Catedral Metropolitana at Casco Viejo

Casco Viejo

All the beautiful flowers at Casco Viejo!

Isla Perro

Isla Aguja
On top of Cerra Ancon

Canal de Panama, Miraflores Locks
Panama was an incredible experience. I already knew that it was going to be beautiful but the sheer amount of things that the country has to offer blew me away. There is a lot of history here as well as plenty of new and exciting things. My favorite place was definitely the two San Blas islands we visited on our second to last day: Isla Perro and Isla Aguja. Both of these places were complete paradise and have set a standard for my expectations of beaches.

The Canal de Panama (Panama Canal) was pretty amazing as well. Obviously when you hear Panama, the canal is the first thing to pop into your head. Visiting it and actually learning how it works on an engineering level was pretty amazing. 

Overall, I would say that this was an awesome trip. More posts to come soon about the individual activities! 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
