A Trekkie's Travel Recommendation: the Kennedy Space Center

I wrote a post last year about my revisit to the Kennedy Space Center and although I mentioned how much I enjoyed myself, I don't think I talked about why you should visit. Let me explain. I visited the Kennedy Space Center as a preteen and can honestly say that it is the source of some fantastic memories.

Flash forward a couple of years when I discovered Star Trek: The Next Generation (I'm a Picard > Kirk gal, sue me) and I couldn't help but remember that everything I saw at the Kennedy Space Center could possibly make all of it real one day. Pardon the mush and idealism, but space travel fascinates me. What I'm trying to say is that there is something about space travel that invokes imagination, and the Kennedy Space Center makes it all real.

So, without further ado, here are some reasons as to why you need to visit the Kennedy Space Center:

1) This is living history.

2) You will appreciate space travel. Doesn't sound like much, but I feel like most people are just passively impressed about the Apollo missions and don't understand just how important they are to human advancement.

3) You will learn more than you think while oggling at rockets and satellites. Sure, you see them in movies, but looking at the real thing(s) changes your perspective.

4) You will get to see stuff that's been in space. How cool is that?!

5) There are some fantastic Instagram moments, so if anything, you can make your friends jealous. 

6) This is what I like to call the Harry Potter of tourist destinations: there is literally anything for anyone. I saw all sorts of people during our visit, including kids.

7) You will want to apologize to all the nerds you have made fun of over the years, because you'll finally get it. 

8) You will want to sign up for Starfleet Academy. 
