Top 5 Tips for Selfies

Aah the travel selfie. It's the perfect way to capture a moment when you don't have someone to help you out. Of course, I feel as self conscious as the next person about taking them (unless they don't feel that way, in which case, go them). Sure, there's a lot of controversy surrounding them, with some sneering at selfies as 'stupid.' Whatever your opinion, I'm here to give my two cents: I think they're a quick and easy way to capture a moment. And, with plenty of practice and have a model(ish)-like eye for angles, your selfie can be, in a word, cute. 

So, without further ado, here are some of my my selfies, in all of their 'stupid' and memorable glory!

1) Casco Viejo, Panama 
Be aware of lighting and angles. It took me a few tries to get the church in the background. The Christmas tree was a bonus. 

2) San Blas, Panama
Remember to look up. Sure, you're not technically supposed to take a portrait from a downward angle, but then again, I'm not a photographer.

3) Onboard the Carnival Dream on the way to Cozumel, Mexico
Be a poser, no matter how ridiculous you may look. Play around with the angle of your face and the placement of your hands. Who knows, you may figure out the perfect angle that avoids giving you that pesky double chin.

4) Xunantunich, Belize
Be mindful of lighting. This selfie, although taken at an awesome moment (on top of a Mayan pyramid no less), is ruined by the fact that I took it in direct sunlight, which causes shadows on the face and also flushed out some of the color in the picture (this may have been my iPhone acting up as well).

5) Stax Museum of Soul Music in Memphis, Tennessee
Embrace the fact that your selfies aren't going to going to be editorial material. Sometimes, there's going to be more than one fatal flaw in the one(s) that you post. Screw what others say and post the selfies that show you having a blast with your travels!

Do you have any go-to selfie techniques?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
