A Photodiary of Canada

I honestly hated taking photos whenever I traveled. Trust me though, this is definitely NOT the case now. Seriously, it got so bad that I had to implement a 3 minute rule whenever I travel, meaning that for every photo op, I have less than 3 minutes to take my pictures before I have to stop and actually enjoy the moment. 

Anyway, I digress. Although these pictures were taken years ago and on a rather average quality camera, it was impossible for us to not take any. And this was before Instagram or social media! Shoot, I'm positive that my 3 minute rule wouldn't even apply in Canada because it's just too stunning. If you ever get the opportunity to see the Canadian Rockies, do it. Trust me, your Instagram will thank you as will the Transcendentalist in you. 

Have you ever been to Canada?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
