Remembering Summer and an Exciting Announcement

Summer is literally my favorite time of the year. I love being able to walk out the door without layering up or worrying about flu shots. Of course, I also love summer because it's a great time to travel. In fact, I have done pretty much all of my traveling between May and July throughout my life. Hmmm, I wonder if that's why I love this time of year. 

That being said, summer can also be the worst time to travel because it is peak season for a few popular locations around the world, such as the Caribbean and Mediterranean, which mean more crowds and higher price tags. However, despite all of this, I am excited to announce that I will be embarking on my FIRST ever adventure in Europe, which does include the 'Med.' 

I have my misgivings, particularly with everything that's going on. However, I believe that fear shouldn't guide anyone's decisions, mine included. Obviously it's important to carefully research what you're going to do and take safety precautions. I will explain more in the coming weeks, but all I will say for now is that the trip will encompass at least 9 countries and at least 13 cities (we are still working out a few minor details). Although we will be traveling the summer, we will be doing so in late May and early June, which is the last part of shoulder season. As such, we will be expecting crowds. However, I'm hoping for the best; with good planning and avoiding touristy areas will hopefully work to our benefit. 

For now, enjoy some older pictures of this past summer. I will certainly have updated ones come summer 2017!

Where are you traveling in summer 2017?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
