The Getty Center in Los Angeles, California

I meant for today's post to be about my trip to Belize a few weeks ago but spotted these photos of the Getty Center on my laptop and couldn't resist posting them. The Getty Center really is a "thing" in Los Angeles; I know that tourists and locals alike enjoy driving up here to spend the afternoon. In fact, there were even a few times when I came here with my school!

If you ever find yourself in Lala Land and need a break from all of the glitz and glamour, definetly check out the Getty Center becuase not only are you going to be surrounded by world class art, but you will also get to enjoy the incredible rose garden.

Oh, and did I mention that it has a killer view of the city? No? Well, keep scrolling!

What is your favorite place in Los Angeles?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
