A Little Encounter in Maine: Spontaneity & Roadtrips

One of the fun parts of a roadtrip is that you get to see places that don't usually pop up on a search engine. What's more, you get to check out some places that weren't originally on your radar. When we were visiting New Hampshire, we realized that the border to Maine was pretty close to where we were. The nice part was that we got to check off another state from the list. The bad part was that we arrived in the town after the close of business hours, which meant that our stay was cut short.

So what's the point of this post? Well, it is simply to say that while the spontaneity that comes with roadtrips is part of the romance, it is not always productive. I wish I could have spent more time in Maine and really gotten a feel for the state. My tip for spontaneous travel is to, at the very least, check when everything closes! Truly, it doesn't hurt to at least have a loose idea as to what you want to get done. This may be the productive part of me speaking of course...

Are you a spontaneous traveleler?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
