Taking a Stroll Around Panama City, Panama


You hear a lot of chatter on the blogosphere about not jam packing your itinerary in order to leave room for wandering and "getting lost." To be honest, I've never entirely bought into this sentiment whilst traveling because I like to know exactly where I am and why I should be there (which is more than likely the LA city girl in me). 

However, on the second day in Panama City, I decided that a stroll around the area close to my hotel would be nice since I quickly realized that it was safe to do so. Panama City has a lovely skyline that is checkered with beautiful palm trees and, lucky for me, it was a wonderful day to be outside. 

Although there is a lot of hustle and bustle (it is the capital after all), I still enjoyed myself and am now determined to always dedicate some time to wandering. That being said, I still am on the fence about "getting lost" while abroad. However, I have the feeling that as I travel more and become more experienced, this won't be an issue. 

Do you like to "get lost" when in a new city? 

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
