A Canadian Nostalgia: My time in Jasper National Park

One of the most memorable trips I took as a child was to Canada. As any American, my first reaction was: Canada?! What on Earth am I supposed to do there? The answer to that question, I soon realized, was anything. I come from a family of nature buffs, so the Canadian Rockies in Jasper National Park really called to us. Jasper was rife with lush greenery, stunning mountains, incredible flora/fauna, and beautiful rivers.

I can still remember driving along Jasper's scenic highways and snapping pictures around every corner. Literally every turn yielded a better photo opportunity than the last! Another favorite memory of mine was me gawping at the the color of the rivers. The top most picture has NOT been Photoshopped: that bright aqua was the actual color of the water! I distinctly remember seeing other patches of water the color of indigo and other various shades of deep and bright blues. In fact, there was one river that was completely white (there was no snow that day), it was truly magical. 

Safety wise Canada is really similiar to the United States, at least in Alberta where we were. Essentially just remember to be careful doing night time and be alert. Jasper's roads were well maintained, the staff were incredibly helpful, and the park as a whole was visitor friendly. We opted to camp and although it is get really cold at night, I still stand by camping as the premier way to experience any national park (at least North American ones).

Have you ever been to Canada?

Best Wishes, 

The Pseudo Southerner
