Hanging Out With Sea Turtles at the Cayman Turtle Farm

First off, I apologize for the sub par pictures. We knew that we would be swimming and generally being around a lot of water, hence the iPhone pictures. 

On the second stop of our Caribbean cruise, we docked off at Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Before this, we were in Montego Bay, Jamaica, which you can read all about HITHER. Compared to Jamaica, with its unique culture and people, I found the Cayman Islands to be a bit dull. To be honest, Georgetown, the capital and the place were our cruise docked at, just looked like any city in America. This is,  however, to be expected because the Cayman Islands are technically British territory.

For our excursion, we opted to visit the Cayman Turtle Farm

That being said, here are some reasons to visit the the Cayman Turtle Farm: 

1) The turtles were freaking adorable. Seriously.
2) You get to hold said turtles and take cool Instagram pictures with them.
3) Admission includes scuba diving! The gear is provided or you can bring your own.
4) They have sharks if you're into that sort of thing. However, you cannot swim with them (boo).
5) If you are visiting with your family, I would highly recommend this place!
