Inside the CNN Studio Center in Atlanta, Georgia

Around Thanksgiving time, we took a road trip to Raleigh, North Carolina so that I could check out a graduate program there. Seeing as we had a few free days, we opted to make stops in Asheville, North Carolina on the way up, and Atlanta, Georgia on the way back home. I had been to Atlanta twice before, the first time for a Speech & Debate competition in high school and the second to go to Six Flags over Georgia at the end of my freshmen year of college. Unfortunately, despite my enjoyment of both these trips, I never really had the time or opportunity to really play tourist in Atlanta. 

We were strapped for time on this day, so we opted to visit the CNN tower in downtown Atlanta. We chose this attraction namely because it was something that none of us have done before. I have visited plenty of museums and aquariums, so I thought that this was a unique opportunity. The other attraction that was a close second was the Coca Cola Factory, but alas, we didn't have the time. 

There are several options for tours inside the studio, but we opted for the Inside CNN VIP Tour because we wanted to make the most of the time we had. I did find it to be a little short and slightly underwhelming, but I did enjoy it and our guide was very informative. We also got to see the HLN and CNN newsrooms, so that was pretty cool. People do work here, so whenever we were inside the studios and newsrooms, there were in fact workers going about their business, which I found to be both awkward and interesting.

When you enter the tower, just go to the food court and there is a hard-to-miss stand where you can purchase your tickets. The maximum capacity for a VIP tour is 12 people, so we bought our tickets online and had them printed out at the stand once we got there. I would recommend doing this, especially if you want to get into a certain time slot. We were told to line up ten minutes before our tour started, so make sure you are there!

Pro Tip: entrance into the tower is free, and inside there is a fantastic food court, so if you are around the Aquarium, CNN tower, or the Coca Cola factory, this is a nice place to grab a bite to eat, especially if you have a big group or kids with you.
