Capturing Moments: Striking a Balance with Social Media and Travel

With social media, it can sometimes be hard to actually enjoy a moment. I remember when I traveled as a kid and my only priority was to have the time of my life. Of course, this means that I actually don't have a ton of pictures, but I still got the memories. 

I've noticed that both myself and my travel companions tend to spend half of our time actually being present and the other half on our phones. This is a shame. Yes, be connected on social media and take your pictures, but it shouldn't be a priority. One of my goals this year is to strike a better balance between taking pictures/posting and actually being present. When I do decide to take pictures, I want them to be meaningful and something that I will look at for years to come. 

I don't need to take a picture of every meal, but I can take one for those that I will probably never experience again. I don't need to Snapchat every little thing I come across, but if something cool is happening, it's worth it to take a few seconds to record it. Basically, I'm going to try and capture moments and opposed to things.

How do you use social media when you travel?

Best Wishes, 
The Pseudo Southerner
